Exploring Relational Wisdom 3.0

Six Skills that Improve Every Relationship in Life (Secular/Values-Based)

Values-Based (Secular) Relational Wisdom

Please see our Academic Catalog for information on how this course relates to and synchronizes with other courses and training tracks.

This course provides an introduction to the benefits and practical applications of relational wisdom, which is an enhanced form of emotional intelligence. These enhancements include the direct integration of personal worldviews and values, acrostics that accelerate skill development and personal growth, dozens of practical life applications and multiple demonstration videos.

This continuing education approved training will start you on a journey to improving your ability to read emotions, influence other people, exercise empathy and self-control, communicate more clearly, resolve conflict, build fulfilling relationships and set an example that will inspire others to improve their relational skills.

These principles have the potential to impact every area of your life, including your family and friendships, workplace performance and career advancement.

The course is available for individual or group study using a computer, tablet or smartphone. It includes six hours of teaching and demonstration videos, interactive quizzes, reflection and application questions, and supplemental articles. It typically takes 8-12 hours to complete, depending on how much optional reading and writing you do.

This values-based course is being used in businesses, schools, hospitals, nonprofits and other secular organizations to equip individuals to live out their personal value systems more effectively in their jobs, families and friendships. This values-based version of relational wisdom is compatible with all worldviews and faiths.

The faith-based version of this course (Discovering Relational Wisdom) is designed for individuals who identify as Christians and want to live out their faith values in their jobs, families and friendships. The faith-based course contains all of the information offered in the values-based course. If you have received a scholarship coupon for the values-based course, that coupon will also work for the faith-based course.

Both versions of the course have been approved for 6-10 hours of continuing education (CE) credit for a variety of professions (details here). 100% of the content of this values-based course is included within the faith-based course, so students may receive a certificate of completion for Exploring Relational Wisdom by completing either course.

Although this course is rigorous enough to be used in businesses, schools and military units, it is simple enough for parents and children to study together.

Group discounts ranging from 5% to 25% are available through the RW360 Bookstore.

Scholarships are available for active or retired military, law enforcement, fire-fighting and similar first-responder personnel and their families, as well as for students and individuals with limited finances.

Students who complete this course will receive a Certificate in Enhanced Emotional Intelligence.

For a preview of the course, download the first lesson in the study guide and watch the first teaching video:

Your Instructor

Ken Sande
Ken Sande

Ken Sande is the founder of Peacemaker Ministries and RW360. Trained as an engineer, lawyer and mediator, Ken has conciliated hundreds of family, business, church and legal conflicts. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Peacemaker, which has sold over 500,000 copies in twenty languages. He teaches internationally on biblical peacemaking, Christian conciliation and relational wisdom, which is an enhanced form of emotional intelligence that helps people “get upstream of conflict” by improving their ability to read and manage emotions in themselves and others. These resources are being used to strengthen relationships, promote teamwork and reduce and resolve conflict in churches, families, businesses, schools and military bases around the world. Ken is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Instructor and a Certified Relational Wisdom Conciliator, Coach and Instructor. He has served as a church elder, an Editorial Advisor for Christianity Today, Certified Professional Engineer and as a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Montana Bar Association.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
How long should I expect to spend on each lesson?
Each of the 8 lessons typically takes 60-90 minutes to complete (8-12 hours for the entire course), depending on how much optional reading and writing you decide to do.
What study pace do you recommend?
We encourage you to complete at least one lesson a week to maintain momentum. You can complete a lesson in a single sitting or break it into 10-15 minute segments spread over a few days. If you need to take a few days or even weeks off, you can jump back in at any time.
Why is a course of this quality so inexpensive?
Comparable secular programs cost from $149 to $2,000. Thanks to our donors, we are able to make our training available at a far lower price ($49) so that it is easily affordable to anyone who wants to improve their relational skills. Moreover, we grant scholarships to military personnel, first responders, students and people with limited finances. We also provide special discounts for large groups. In short, we never want anyone to be deprived of our training due to financial limitations.
What is the difference between "faith-based" relational wisdom and "values-based" relational wisdom?
Values-based relational wisdom is designed for secular settings, such as businesses, schools, police departments and military bases, and shows students how to live out their personal value systems more effectively in their jobs, families and friendships (see www.rw360values.org/discover-rw). Faith-based relational wisdom is designed for individuals who identify as Christians and want to live out their religious values in their jobs, families and friendships (see www.rw360.org/discover-rw).
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Our training is unconditionally guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied for any reason with this course, please contact us at [email protected], and we will give you a full refund.
How can this course enhance what I've already learned at a live seminar on relational wisdom?
If you have already attended a live Exploring Relational Wisdom Seminar, this online course will deepen your learning experience by helping you to read and view additional articles and videos that apply RW to marriage, parenting, the workplace and other areas of life, and to put these principles into practice in all of your relationships.
Where can I find more detailed information about this course?
Click on the FAQ link below to learn more about the theological basis for this course, organizations that utilize our training, the benefits of studying with a group, how to apply for continuing education credit, and how to deal with technical issues or questions.

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