Relational Wisdom Life Coaching: Jan - Mar 2025
Relational Wisdom Life Coaching is designed to equip
students with the knowledge and practical experience needed to provide coaching
assistance over multiple coaching sessions. This 36-hour course combines
approximately 10-hours of pre-course preparation with 12 hours of instruction,
demonstrations and application and 14 hours of hands-on practice. It builds on
the foundation laid during the Life Coaching segment of the Introduction to RW
Coaching course.
Who Should Take This Course
Anyone who desires to develop greater capacity as a Relational Wisdom coach, especially in settings where more than a one-time conversation is required. Members of church-based Peace Sower teams, church leaders, educators, supervisors, parents, in short, anyone in a position to help others grow in faith and practice should consider taking this course. Completion of our Introduction to RW Coaching and RW Coaching Skills Course is required before participating in this course.
Course Structure
Pre-Course Preparation – 10 hours: This focuses primarily on reviewing what was learned in previous courses, reading The Coach Model For Christian Leaders by Keith Webb and completing exercises that integrate Webb’s material into the RW 4-step coaching model.
Practicum – 12 hours: The instruction phase includes brief lectures, exercises, demonstrations and practice. There are 4 sessions, each lasting 3 hours, taught over a two-week period, two sessions per week. Week One reviews and deepens basic coaching skills, including mindset, active listening, asking powerful questions and creating action steps. Week Two introduces important new skills, including debriefing coachees, using the coachee’s words reflectively, challenging assumptions and using angle questions to help coachees think more deeply.
Experience – 14 hours: Participants are grouped in triads that meet once a week for 4 weeks of coaching practice. The triads meet for three hours each time, during which participants take turns as coach, coachee and observer. A fifth session, lasting two hours, precedes the practice phase and orients participants on how to play the role of observers. The Observer not only debriefs coaching practice sessions, but also completes detailed Observation Forms that provide feedback on practice coaching.
RW Coaching Certificate
Participants desiring to qualify for the RW Coaching Certificate will record their final coaching practice session and submit it to the instructors for review. Instructors will assess participants according to Observation Form criteria that were taught during the course. Successful candidates will demonstrate competence in all important facets of RW Coaching. Candidates who do not yet demonstrate competence may request that they be re-assessed by completing an additional practice coaching session.
Course Delivery
RW Life Coaching is divided into two parts – the 22-hour Practicum (Instruction) and the 14-hour Experience (Practice). Completion of the Practicum is required for participation in the Experience phase.
RW Life Coaching Course 2025 Dates
Option 1: January - March
- Practicum: January 20, 22, 27, & 29 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Eastern
- Experience: February 3 (orientation), 10, 17, 24, and March 3 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Eastern. Assessments will take place in March.
Option 2: April - Early June
- Practicum: April 1, 3, 8, & 10 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern.
- Experience: April 21 (orientation), 28, May 6, 13, and 20 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern. Assessments will be scheduled for late May and early June.
A third Life Coaching Course will be schedule for October 2025, if needed. Dates and times are to be determined.
Your Instructor